The themes of appropriation, tagging and street art are discussed in the series "One Man's Trash". These found images and paintings were taken from thrift stores and second-hand shops and were taken into urban environments and placed back within the context of the world in which they once belonged in a home or store. The pieces are left at the location and this marks the spot with a signature like “tag”. This said “tag” is much like graffiti tag and a reference to the direct spontaneity of street art. Based on color, composition, and how the piece interacts with the environment, the viewer then re-asses the purposes of these forgotten, tacky objects and re-contextualize how they view and interpret everyday objects as art. The work also plants a communicative idea in the viewer as they find references to Art History, Architecture, and Photographic history in the work as they try to connect these found paintings and imagery to environments that seem to work and feed off of each other.